My Wedding Ring Star has come to a screeching halt
when I opened up the second FQ pack
It either doesn't match or is the wrong set!!
The first one was a gift and did not come with the label
after a call to one of my favorite quilt shops -
The Enchanted Room in Glendive, Mt
I should be back up and running in a week or so!!
Since my ladder of 'Started Projects' isn't quite to the top I figured what the heck....
Let's start something else...
I have been wanted to try a Convergence Quilt that Ricky Tims taught us
Check them out HERE to see his Harmonic Convergence Quilts
This one is the farthest thing from harmonic....
I started with some BEAUTIFUL Laurel Birch FQ's
and one of her panels...
sewing them together as the pattern called for...
Cutting and resewing
(just as us crazy quilters do with perfectly good fabric)
As you can see the herd is starting to mingle....
Next I cut and sewed it the other way....
Quite easy to do....
Try to match the checker board strips as best as I can...
To arrive at a stampede of horses trying to save themselves....
The panel of horses are hiding amongst the sandstorm of smaller horses...
I am pretty sure this is where the term 'herding cats' originated from!!
I will try again...
but note to self
(and any one wanting to try)
Use only one print with 3 other blending colors!!
My apologies to Laurel Birch....