Seems like every 4 days we get a day in of combining...
The weather is just not co-operating!!
Trucking has changed..
Since I had some time between loads I hotspotted in the grain truck
and did some surfing...
It is so wet and cold but we are trying our best to get some crop off..
We NEVER harvest if it's wet or raining so the wipers on the grain truck have been neglected!!
I was forced to improvise and use a rag under the blade!!
We have been moving grain like crazy to ensure no spoilage since it's so damp
Even the birds are conspiring to head south early....
We managed another THREE hours today but it was darn cold!!
Arnold was swathing ...
Justin was baling....
while I combined....
Come on, Mother Nature... we only need a couple of weeks!!
Last night, we donned ALL the our winter attire and headed to the race track
Yup...certifiably crazy...
It was Eve of Destruction 4 featuring trucks and trailers for demo
Beach balls were hurled from the top of the stands....
As they set up Let's Make a Deal.....
If you caught a ball with a 1, 2 or 3 on it you were a contestant!!
Arnold kept throwing ours down as we didn't know that fact till later...
The first person pick the big box to win a VACUUM!!
The smaller cargo box was a skidoo...
If it had rained last night, they could have used it as it was so cold it could have snowed!!
The third girl had a tough time as Host, Trevor Gowan played with her mind with all the options.
She had choice of one of his pockets, all of his pockets, or the "tv"
She picked the box and it was a ipad..still a great gift!!
Next was 'Race What You Drove to The Races' Race...
There are some CRAZY people out there racing 70,000 trucks just for fun!!
A local kid(namely one of the Friess Boys) raced his girlfriends Grand Am
He did very well till Rocky Alexander brought out his stock car to race him
Pretty funny when they had to fuel up the Friess car....
He didn't have enough to finish the last match!!
When the Auction Truck rolled out for a Calcutta on the Truck/Trailer units,
a little boy behind me said 'Look, they are cooking down there'
Have Food Trucks become the new normal that a 5 year old knows about them??
There was even a car with two fronts!!
The creativity of these truck/trailer units was incredible...
Pulling a spray coupe....
Is he sure he wasn't going fishing???
This Suburban was auctioned for the Hospital Fund Raiser.
I offered my family to purchase it.....
I would drive and they could be the entertainment as they screamed for their lives out the windows
No one took me up on it.
It could have been the warmest seat in house!!
Big Limos.....
There was alot of carnage by the end of the evening....
This guy filled his camper with balloons
they floated for miles as he cruised the track...
The evening ended in fireworks.....
I think I am finally feeling my fingers and toes today!!
It was a fun and FREEZING evening!!
Where has Autumn gone....