And I do mean SUPER!!!
We knew it was probably going to be a wild ride!!
First stop was Carnduff at the Flying M Restaurant
It had a diner feel to the place.
Maryann even had a black cherry float
Then it was off to the Peace Gardens just south of Boissevain
Look at all these playing cards,Charlene!!

The quilts were incredible bursts of color everywhere...
It was three days of intense information that kept us riveted to our seats
I had no urge to make a convergence quilt...
Or a Rhapsody quilt....
Or a paper pieced master piece...
but after half a day...
Ricky had us all hooked and believing "You can, IF...."
Ricky pointed out that we each have a start date and stop date...
If you don't feel like making supper...Don't!
Let them eat peanut butter and jelly!!
Go write your story in your quilting.
Quilt your tops.
So what if your not perfect.
It is how good your are.... right now.
Don't want to quilt it by credit card.
However you chose, just finish that quilt.
Don't pile them up and say later.
Later never comes.
Just do it.
ALWAYS sign your quilts. Even if it's with a sharpie marker.
It's your work of art.
History(or her-story) in the making.
Be proud of it.
I went to this seminar with absolutely no expectations
to have good times with fellow quilters...
But it was spent listening to this Master of having fun quilting!!
After he showed his process of making these quilts,
you had to go for another indepth look at the ingenious skill he presents as being so 'easy'.
During some of the breaks, we took in the cactus conservatory
I never knew there were this many kinds of cacti!!
Wouldn't this be an awesome hang out in the middle of winter??
They were just starting to bloom...
We also strolled around the peace towers
Mom and I as she tries to dash away...
Mom, Maryann and Terry...
Sunken Gardens...
On Friday evening, we were treated to a concert by Ricky Tims.
He is an incredible pianist.
(It has to be said again)
He was so entertaining and such a story teller.
Breakfast on the patio
It was awe inspiring to see into the mind of such a talented person.
Not fair that one person has so much talent!!
This was the building of a Kalidescope quilt...
As each round was place on....
It was more and more apparent that there is a possiblity
of going home and trying one of these!!
It was so refreshing to listen to someone who was so willing and encouraging
You know this man is good,
when there are 350 women in their seats when the games were to begin again after EVER break!!
Ricky ran a tight ship
all his mates(the quilters) were ready and waiting right on the clock!!
It was FREEZING in the building but we didn't want to miss an iota of information!!
As if this was not ENOUGH'quilting'...
We spotted a quilt store in Bottineau on the way home,
did an illegal u-turn and went to see if she was open.
Simple Threads Quiltshop
She had also been at the Seminar and had just gotten home.
She said she would stay open for as a long as we wanted her to be!!
Of course, we could help but make a few purchases here, too!!
Very cute store!!
Thought this was pretty funny!!
So if you EVER get a chance to go see Ricky Tims...
Just do it!!
I can't say enough....
I have to get to my sewing much to do and so little time!!