Well... The heat is on!!
41C is just too hot to be working with metal
the A/C in the tractors can barely keep up.
If it doesn't, you can't possibly work in the tractor
it's like an aquarium!
I recently came across this picture on Facebook
Nostalgic Bromhead.
It is Arnold's Grandpa and his nine sons probably taken in the 1950's
That is quite the crew.
The two daughters are not in the picture!
Our harvest crew consists of a lot of dogs....
they are not much help but always bring a smile to your face!
They love to go in the grain truck.
This cab can hold 4 dogs and two people
(the jack russell is under the seat)
One large Lab!
Diesel is our oldest son's dog who has been spending time
the farm
Jeremy works a new job and is gone for 14 hours a day.
Diesel is a city dog and has discovered how fun truck rides are
most of the time you find him
one of the pickups
for a ride!
With this heat,
We have had some crazy clouds and storms randomly pop up!
(ignore the dirty windows)
Thanks to neighbors for the heads up with their eyes on the skies!
We seem to only get a notice of bad weather after the fact!
But we managed to finish harvest on Monday!
The wheat was ridiculously itchy this year.
It nearly put me over the edge!
I think I changed three times a day
as well as showered
just to keep from scratching my skin off!
Cleaning it in the heat and dust,
was more than we could handle!!

Wheat is never an itchy crop
we asked our friends and they had the same complaint!
So one day they picked us up
treated us to a new restaurant in Yellow Grass, Sk
Don Padre's
It's a new little Mexican(and Canadian food) place.
I tried the stuffed pepper, taco, and enchilada.
It was delicious!
Our friend tried Pineapple pop.
She said it was good!
That was such a nice break from the heat!
I can't believe it is not even September yet
We have a lot of our fall work done!
Even the square bales are in!
We farm with older equipment but if it works....
Why not?!?!?!
I always say...... #paidfor
It 's the only way to make money in farming!
I took a little video of how our square bale pop up works.
I think they were invented in the 1960's.
We have had this one forever.
I am sure each one of Arnold's Grandpa's boys have used this very contraption!
It's definitely a back saver!
The barn is full!
Justin had a great Facebook post
how these bales were made for BBQ season 2022.
How's that?
These straw bales started in May 2020 when the wheat was planted,
then harvested and baled today.
Picked and stacked in the shed to stay dry and fresh,
the new calf season coming in March 2021.
Those babies will be given the best start
moved on to pasture to grow and be ready for processing June 2022.
So all the work put in this year,
won't bring returns for a farmer until we well the crop 18-24 months from now!
The planning never stops, the work is endless, and the pay check is always unknown
we get up everyday and do it all over again.
Proud to do what we do, 365 days a year.
Thank a farmer is you ate today!
Very well said, Justin!
At the start of every season,
Justin and I get a new pair of gloves.
My gloves have seen some work
I just can't stand to put my hands in them anymore!
New pair vs old pair
I broke out a new pair!
These gloves have done some working....
This year, while harvesting I started listening to podcasts.
It was quite interesting to listen to the most recent
work my way backwards.
It was like a small window of time
yet so much has happened in the months since the end of December 2019.
It was like listening to a story you would not ordinarily believe.
They had hopes and plans for the coming year like the rest of us.
Trips planned...
we cancelled going to Houston.
Shows arranged...
we postponed it indefinitely.
It was going to be soooo good!!
As the pandemic started to hit the world,
you could hear how it was effecting them.
They rolled with the punches like the rest of us,
to find a new normal and continue doing what brings them joy.
Every night,
I would come home and look up who they interviewed.
It was a great way to stay inspired while getting harvest done!
I highly recommend listening...
I am not a modern quilter but discovered this pattern.
Check out the link here...
Fresh Quilts
It's on my NEXT list...
I haven't had a bunch of time to sew.
I have played with my HST blocks a bit
But I am hoping to get back to my regular schedule soon!
Our quilt group has decided to start quilting EVERY week on Fridays.
Maybe I can get some projects done there!
Happy harvest to our fellow farmers!
Stay safe...and I don't mean covid!