Hang on to your hats...
(this is only part 1)
We were off to retreat.
While in Wolseley we stopped in at Tiger Lily Quilts...
Her store will be moving from this cute little building to her new store soon
We picked up a coffee and lunch at the bakery.....
which was filled with local art work
All the tables were Zentangled
Quilts from Tiger Lily...
Paintings for sale...
3D art work...
Then it was time to head to Circle Square Ranch
We were welcomed with open arms by Robin and his staff
Before long, it was looking like a sweat shop...
Projects were laid out all over...
Christmas tunes were playing in the background
(thanks to d.j. Trudi!!)
The food was FAB-U-LOUS!!!
We were fed like those geese they fatten up for foie gras
We just kept coming for the cream!!
On 'elegant night' most of us showed up covered in thread
Colleen and Anita draped themselves in Anita's Duvet covers she was working on
(very cute sisters!!)
Every evening, a crackling fire was lit
we ate supper!!
The facilities were incredible.
We have booked for next year already!!!
November 24-27,2016
Stay tune for show and tell tomorrow!!
I am going to need a nap today....
(who goes to retreat to rest??)