Winter has been pretty brutal the last couple weeks
Pretty much wearing as much clothes as I can
Blowing snow to get cows fed is a daily event
Even the water bowl is iced up more than I have ever seen!!
At least it hasn't frozen up!
Just when you think it can't get colder.....
It does.
Dawson did not object to wearing her winter coat
She is usually tough but she's getting old
has been shivering at the thought of going out
The two of us headed over to Justins to blow out his lane
The fence posts are now just tops!!
It's only JANUARY!!!
It's been a job to keep the hot tub dug out!
I feel like we are doing the polar bear dip just to get in!!
After a day of freezing
I felt like I deserved some time with my iron to warm up
Lucy thought it was toasty in the window
With all the stars done for my Infinity quilt
It is time to tackle the snakes of flying geese and checkerboards
I am trying to keep it a little simpler and calmer than the original
It takes some thinking and foresight to plan this part
It is coming along...
I hear the Dory song in my head....
Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming....
(Or I'll drown...)
This just might be your nicest quilt yet!!! Fabulous.