Saturday, November 6, 2021

Old Fashioned Barn Raising

Well...It's actually more like a New Fashioned Barn Raising!

Justin's barn has seen better days that's for sure!

This barn used to be in Torquay. Saskatchewan 
the livery. 

We think it was moved in the early 50's 
Justin's farm picture has the barn in 1954. 

After the storm in January, 

the barn was blown off it's foundation. 

A couple more storms 


 this barn will be history like so many others that went down in that storm.

There is so much history on Justin's farm. 

This was the 'old'  Joel Salte Farm.

The daughter, Joleen had carved her name in the cement

The lightning rods were installed in 1951
H.R. Gordon Lightning Rods
Melfort, Saskatchewan

Justin had been planning how he was going to fix his barn for a few years now. 

His friend, Eric comes from a great construction family. 

Eric's Dad had built all the foundations for our barns in the 80's.

So the Vandenhurks began the feat of saving this relic!

They brought every piece of heavy machinery you can think of...

Put beams through the barn....

ready to be jacked up...

New footings are poured...

New metal walls were welded to take place of the old walls.

Before you know it, 

they had this barn looking like it was standing on toothpicks!

The red metal is on it's way 


framing has begun to prepare for the shiny new walls.

It's cleaning up very well! 

Justin says we can have a quilt show at his place when he is done!

Can you imagine?!?

This barn is going to need a quilt of its own...

Oh.. to narrow it down!!

Some people own a boat....

Justin will own a barn!



  1. How wonderful he is saving this piece of history instead of tearing it down and putting up a metal replacement! It's a thing of beauty and will last for a very long time. Can't wait to see what barn quilt they choose

  2. Totally love this story and am not surprised Justin would work to save this instead of selling it off to crafters for the barn boards. You’ve raised an amazing man.


Thank you for reading and hope your enjoyed!!

Bucket Bag Tutorial

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